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The Journey of a Queer Girl

This model was created as a pop-up sculpture to show the story of how a girl realised that she was queer, as a part of a college project where we explored stories of LGBT individuals. I used as an opportunity to play around with my medium and make something that goes from being 2D to 3D


A young girl, growing up, has always seen in movies and on TV, that men and women fall in love with each other.


The girl has a crush on someone for the first time.


She continues to have crushes on boys as she grows up.


She comes across homophobic slurs for the first time and doesn’t know what they are. She tries to find out what they mean and comes across the LGBT community for the first time.


She feels very supportive of the community, despite first coming across them through hate and prejudice.

One day, she discovers that she has feelings for her friend, who is a girl but she doesn’t do anything about these feelings.


Over time, she finds that that she also feels attracted to some other girls and sometimes, even boys.


She starts identifying herself as bisexual. She does more research on the LGBT community and on different sexualities to know herself better.


She then feels that the word “pansexual” describes her better than bisexual. She starts using it to identify herself.


She comes out to her friends and they accept her for who she is.


However, she has not come out to her family yet, since they are conservative and she doesn’t know if they’ll be accepting.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work.

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