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Milestone Technologies

Milestone Technologies is a tech company, and a major client at my past workplace, Runtime Solutions. The work included graphic design for their social media, B2B collaterals, graphics for their website, and banners.

The subsections show various work done for them.

A. Client Communication and Social Media Creatives

We developed the current guidelines and visual language for Milestone’s social media and ad campaigns. They wanted to look younger and have more “open“ images in their creatives and more focus on people. They wanted their diversity, and employee-first culture to be highlighted. The creatives we and visual style guidelines we have made give them look fresh, innovative and friendlier toward employees.

We also developed a new guidelines and a template for their sales sheets detailing their services

B. 25th Anniversary Collaterals

We were given a brief to modify the Milestone logo to convey a sense of celebration on the occassion of Milestone’s 25th anniversary, or their Silver Jubilee. We provided them with a redesign of the Milestone logo along with banners and social media announcement posts for the anniversary.

The original logo (L) and the redesigned logo for the anniversary (R). The brief was to spruce up the logo to give it a more celebratory feel while maintaining the original logo's qualities.

Banners and a profile picture for the silver jubilee

Social media posts created for announcing their 25th anniversary

C. Logo Redesign Exercise

These were made as a part of logo redesign exercise for Milestone at their request. We were given a brief to convey a sense of youth and innovation in a new logo and were asked to provide options for the logo along with possible new colour options.

D. Family Day Event

We were asked to create social media announcement posts for a Family Day event hosted by Milestone, inviting their employees and their families for a day of fun. We tried to convey a sense of playfulness in the creatives and tried to make it appealing for families with children.

Social media creatives created for promoting the event

Standee and photobooth for the event

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work.

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