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Anna's Holiday

This project was made for an Illustration class at Hochschule Mannheim under the guidance of Prof. Vroni Schwegler. We explored storytelling through the medium of Kamishibai in this class. Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theatre and storytelling that uses illustrated imaged placed in a wooden frame. The movement of the frame, simplicity and visibility of the images, and most importantly the narration are important in Kamishibai to bring the story alive.

Our story is about a young girl named Anna who is spending her holidays at her grandmother and aunt's town. Anna sees that the town is divided into two halves and learns her family's history and tries to reunite the two halves. The aim of this story is to empower children and tell them that they, too, can take charge and change the world!

I would love to hear your thoughts on my work.

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